1. go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder
2. select the 8th photo from the folder
3. post along with the story behind it
haha... style x... ada gaya mcm synyster gates x?? ....\m/....rock.... gambar ni gambar jamming ngan kawan2... di ss14... tu je la story nyer kot...
4. then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same
sapa yg berminat bleh la lakukannya...
tpi aku nak tag sorang je iaitu:-
mr. Aphis
nak tambah lagi sorang
Me Chicko Latino
harap2 beliau gembira...haha
wah..abg rock kapak kita tu..haha
@me Chicko latino - nak kene tag ke?? bleh je...
@syahrul Iman - bila sesi jamming yg seterusnyer?? asyik main blog je?
sgt gembira...
u r welcome... buat jgn x buat..hehe
c0oL ! ss14 ?
@farteen - eh.. sbnarnye ss15.. tersilap... 14 kan kawasan perumahan...hahaha...haadoiii
time akak itm dulu le..SS14 tu coz sekseteri..hehehe..
Best jamming?
@lovelyLady - course apa tu erk??
@sophie - best... jom la join... sophie pandai main apa??
wah smart dowh gamba ni :)
@mumu - thanks for the compliment....
Mmg mcm pro tak tang kerusi tu yg takley tahan... wakakaka... apa brand nya gitar tu yek?
wahhh seyes.. gambar nampak cool lah !
su_kanya gi_tar.............
@Qaira - style kene ada.. walau x sehebat mana..hehe xsure plak jenama apa... lupa laa... lama x jamming kat sini.... fender kot
ok gaya dah ada..tapi selipar ngan kerusi tu.heheheeh jangan mara haaa
@helena - x marah pon.. mmg sengaja buat camtu..hehe
@nichKhun - thanks puji saya erk...
@macy - mcm ada maksud tersirat je?
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