Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Bosan Dengan Soalan2 bodoh??

haha... anda bosan dgn soalan2 yg remeh... kadang2 pikir balik... perlu ke dia tnya soalan ni kat aku? so.. arini x yah pening2 dgn soalan2 macam tu... sbb arini captain nak ajar mcm mana nak jawab soalan-soalan kurang cerdik ni... so benda ni lebih kurang macam tutorial la yaaa... Have FUN... dan selamat blajar

BOY : May I hold your hand?
GIRL : No thanks, it isn't heavy.

GIRL : Say you love me! Say you love me!
BOY : You love me...

GIRL : If we become engaged will you give me a ring??
BOY : Sure, what's your phone number??

GIRL : I think the poorest people are the happiest.

BOY : Then marry me and we'll be the happiest couple

GIRL : Darling, I want to dance like this forever.
BOY : Don't you ever want to improve??

BOY : I love you and I could die for you!
GIRL : How soon??

BOY : I would go to the end of the world for you!
GIRL : Yes, but would you stay there??

SHARON : Have you ever had a hot passionate, burning kiss??
TRACY : I did once. He'd forgotten to take the
cigarette out of his

MAN : You remind me of the sea.
WOMAN : Because I'm wild, romantic and exciting?
MAN : NO, because you make me sick.

WIFE : You tell a man something, it goes in one ear
and comes out of
the other.
HUSBAND : You tell a woman something: It goes in

both ears and comes
out of the mouth.

MARY : John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly.What
do u think,
PETER : A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.

Girlfriend : "...And are you sure you love me and
no one else ?"
Boyfriend : "Dead Sure! I checked the whole list

again yesterday".

Teacher : "Which is more important to us, the sun
or the moon?"
Pupil : "The moon".

Teacher : "Why?"

Pupil : "The moon gives us light at night when we

need it but the sun
gives us light only in the day time when we don't
need it".

Waiter : "Would you like your coffee black?"
Customer : "What other colors do you have?"

Tom : "How should I convey the news to my father

that I've
David: "You just send a telegram: Result declared,

past year's performance repeated".

Teacher : " Can anybody give an example of
One Student : "Sir, my Mother and Father got married

on the same day
and at the same time."

Ok.. camner??? dah ada idea untuk menjawab soalan2 cepu emas seperti ini..... hehe... btw... jgn la korang marah2 kat org bertanya tu... dia org sebenarnye nak mengeratkan tali silaturrahim... lagipon... byk bertanya... x sesat jalan... cuma konfuse tu ada la... byk sgt direction.. ye x??

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Tanpa Nama berkata...

betol betol.hiks =p

captain88 berkata...

@Si Kenit - Kenitttt... long time no seee...

SufatihaNur berkata...


scya lollita berkata...

aihhh ~
tol !

captain88 berkata...

@Mrs Infinity - hehe.. x de la kejam sgt...

iidyll iceness berkata...

tau xper lor..
kdg2 org sll misunderstood hny dgn btny..

sugar2 kapas strawberry berkata...

aha..siap nk check list lg..what the??hihihu


kiwi berkata...

haha..what other colour u have..nti bleh r gune

captain88 berkata...

@╚► Scya Lollita◄╗ - hehe... btul erk..

captain88 berkata...

@[[iidyLL_iceneSS]] - bak kata peribahasa.. org memberi.. kita merasa... org berbudi.. kita berbahasa...

captain88 berkata...

@sugar2 kapas strawberry - HIHI.. enjoy..

captain88 berkata...

@aesthetic - hehe.. bagus2... apply kan kepada kehidupan seharian...

Natasya K berkata...

klaka la kalau baca balik padahal mmg slalu ditanya. :p

captain88 berkata...

@sweet_teddy:) - hehe.. have fun yaa..

King Of Single berkata...

xleh blah uh...

tp aku lg xsuke soklan cmni
: u watpe ni?

[pdhal da trang nmpak aku ngah makan]

ngan bgganye aku jwab : ngah cuci kete la beb


captain88 berkata...

@ekyn - hehe... biasa la tu... teknik2 nak memulakan perbualan... walaupon dia dah nampak... tpi buat2 x tau sudey..

tricksrex berkata...

nak wat camne..
soklan2 bese dah ni..

captain88 berkata...

@tricksrex - hehe.. soklan2 bese ni la kita kene buat macam x biasa..

Kay- berkata...

gile loyer buruk...

captain88 berkata...

@abc+milo - hehe.. biar loyar buruk... jgn hati buruk..

iekabean berkata...

baca entry ni sampai gelak guling-guling!!!

Pagi2 dah gelak macam...ayyoo!

Marinella berkata...

they're funny
i can't help myself but to laugh

captain88 berkata...

@iekabean - hehe.. sampai guling cik ieka kita ni..

captain88 berkata...

@Marinella - hehe.. have fun.. and enjoy...

Yatre Hayati berkata...

hahhaha..suka..lawak sungguh

Tanpa Nama berkata...

kikh3.. lawak gila!
dah ramai cmment.. nmpk sgt ta blogwalk lme.. huhu

bdw, bila nk tukar cmment setting jd pop up wndow?? huu

captain88 berkata...

@Yatre Hayati - hehe.. enjoy

captain88 berkata...

@macy - apa mende tu cikgu macy??? saya bdak baru blajar... tlong explain sket...

Sesopie berkata...

Lawak2..Suka baca..buat sophie tersenyum,..=)

captain88 berkata...

@sophie - sophieee!!!... lama x nmpak... pegi mana??

Yuni Aisyah berkata...

sophie pon kate lawak..yuni pon kate mmg lawak la bace soal jwp yg kurng bernas tu..hahaha..

captain88 berkata...

@Yuni Aisyah - hehe... enjoy and have funn...

Adeqq berkata...

sungguh lawak. saboo je lah kan! hehe

s h a berkata...

miahaha...sgt kreatif...skew bace n3 ni...nice...

captain88 berkata...

@Adeqq - yup22.. bawa2 bersaabaar..

captain88 berkata...

@s h e e - hehe... thanks for the compliment...