Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Ok.. Jom uji minda lagi

Hah.. tgh syok surfing tenet... captain terjumpa kuiz ni... so skrg captain nak tgok.. korang bleh jawab ke tidak...hehe... Tapi sebelum tu... korang kene janji.. x mau maen tipu... jawab dulu.. pastu baru bleh tgok jawapan.. ok??

First Question:

You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Klik Sini Untuk Jawapan:

If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

Second Question:

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000
Now add 10. What is the total?

Klik Sini Untuk Jawapan:

Did you get 5000?
The correct answer is actually 4100.

Third Question:

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini,
4. Nono.
What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Klik Sini Untuk Jawapan:

Answer: Nunu?

NO! Of course not.
Her name is Mary . Read the question again!

Fourth and Final Question:

There is a mute person who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully
expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is

Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of
sunglasses, how should he express himself?

Klik Sini Untuk Jawapan:

He just has to open his mouth and ask, so simple.

Hah.. mcm mana?? soalan yang remeh kan?? tapi dapat x korang jawab dgn betul... captain mmg suka soklan2 camni... chill dan rilek je kan??


Aida Azryn berkata...

adeh.. pening2 lalat la captain.. ;p

Reen berkata...


kaizen shinobi berkata...

terbaekk!!! hohoho

captain88 berkata...

@AiDa AzRyN - jgn pening2... ini untuk sonok2 je.. ok

captain88 berkata...

@reen_sofee - lagi intersting klu jawab dgn jujur..hehe

captain88 berkata...

@kaizen shinobi - thanks..hehe

Lassie H. berkata...

bluuuur ~

kiwi berkata...

haha...ntah pape je..hehe...ok la..fun

bukanputeriraja berkata...

believe or not?
sume jawapan saya jawab dgn betul.

org yg careless kalu mmg akan jwb dgn salah

Balqish berkata...

mary tu adik beradik laa.
haha. :)

captain88 berkata...

@lassiegewdix - haha.. tenangkan fikiran dulu yaa..

captain88 berkata...

@aesthetic - betul ke gembira ni??? jgn frust sgt klu x dpat jawab... bleh cuba lagi..hehe

captain88 berkata...

@bukanputeriraja - wah hebat la... mesti handal dlam menjawab teka-teki..

captain88 berkata...

@BalqisShafiqa - hehe... jgn terpedaya dgn akak2 mereka...

Natasya K berkata...

soalan no.2 tu tak paham la mcm mana dpt jwpn tu. boleh terangkan ker?

sarah shafie berkata...

wahaha..apehal jwb sume slah n??hehhe

captain88 berkata...

@sweet_teddy:) - snng je tu.. cuba compare dgn calculator...
sbnarnye slepas 4090 + 10... spatutnye dapat 4100... tpi kita naikkan anka satu tu kepada angka 4... tu yang jadi 5 ribu... hati2 dgn calculation ya...

captain88 berkata...

@sarah shafie - haha... camner bleh salah ni?? padahal snng je kan??? xpe.. cuba lagi...

Aimi Zainudin berkata...

oh tidaaaaak!!!
sungguh senget diri ini...rsenye captain lg sen...
eh..memain je..captain tua dri sye...

tak baik ngutuk captain...hahaha

captain88 berkata...

@cintahati - comeinyer pic... camner bleh jadi senget ni??
lagi tua.. lagi otai apa...hehe

Liefde Ain berkata...

hahaha. seronok jekkk! ^^

captain88 berkata...

@gades ain - hehe... have fun...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

ehem..traffic jem..pon..pon.. :D

Hidup Itu Indah berkata...

Hehehe...fening2 lahhh!!!!

captain88 berkata...

@ellis suriyani - ikut highway la cepat sket..hehe

captain88 berkata...

@akunilam - jgn pening2... soalan simple je..

Tanpa Nama berkata...

mcm kt my blogla..huhu

sy jwb sume ngn btol.

captain88 berkata...

@sensei14 - dah penah jawab mmg la..hehe

Tanpa Nama berkata...

tau xpe..

captain88 berkata...

@sensei14 - btw.. thanks sbb sudi buat lagi..hehe

krole berkata...

hehheheh...mmg mengelirukn a soalan die ni...smua slh krole jwp...:)

captain88 berkata...

@Krole - hehe.. kene berhati2 sket semasa menjawab

King Of Single berkata...

terbahek....act aku nk jwab..skali da ade jwapan huhu..

ehh cmne jwapan kire2 tu dapat 4100 ek??
mmg koinpius d buatnye aw

captain88 berkata...

@eKyN - cuba try kira guna kalkulator plak.. mestti dapat...hehe

King Of Single berkata...


captain88 berkata...

@eKyN - hehe.. ekyn salah congak masa tambah 4090+10... kan??

Yuni Aisyah berkata...

adeh..mmg pening dibuatnya soalan2 kt ats nie..hehe

captain88 berkata...

@Yuni Aisyah - hehe... tpi soalan simple je tu...